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Terms & Conditions


1. This website (Fred Fox Creative) is owned and operated by Mel Hughes trading as Fred Fox Creative for the benefit of individuals and business entities interested in Fred Fox Creative's Digital Marketing services.

2. These "Terms of Use" apply to your use of the website and by using this website you agree to these terms of use. If you do not agree to the terms of use of this website, don't use it. Easy.

3. All information displayed is current at the time of display. All reference to currency is in Australian dollars inclusive of GST. Fred Fox Creative takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the information displayed on this website is accurate. However, Fred Fox Creative is not liable for any mistakes or errors in the descriptions, and it is the responsibility of the user to enquire and seek information prior to use. 

4. By using the Fred Fox Creative website, you agree to indemnify Fred Fox Creative and keep Fred Fox Creative indemnified from and against any liability and or loss or damage the Fred Fox Creative may sustain because of any breach, omission, or act, arising directly or indirectly of these Terms of Use by you or your representative. 

5. Fred Fox Creative's Liability is limited, to the extent permissible by law and at its option, to:

a. supply the service again; or

b. the payment of the cost of having the service supplied again.

6. All other warranties not set out in this term are excluded and Fred Fox Creative is not liable in contract or otherwise to compensate you for:

a. any increased cost or expense.

b. any loss of profit, revenue, business, contract, or anticipated savings.

c. any loss or expense resulting from a claim by a third party; or 

d. any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage of any nature whatsoever caused by Fred Fox Creative's failure to complete or delay in completing the delivery of service. 

7. Fred Fox Creative does not accept any liability for loss or damage arising from website failures or downtime. 

8. These Terms of Use are not intended to exclude or limit the application of any statute (including but not limited to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 as amended from time to time and the associated Australian Consumer Law Schedule 2) where to do so would contravene that statute or cause a provision of these terms to be void. 

9. Fred Fox Creative reserves the right to modify any of these terms at any time. 

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